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20 years of experience as a manager and consultant in digital

Vita Robert Petzold

2017  to now

Freelancer, consultant and interim manager for digital marketing

Christopher Bausch, Managing Director Arthouse Kinos Frankfurt

“The practical thing is that Robert also knows a lot about implementation. This makes his concepts really useful for us.”

2015 to 2017

Cocomore AG, full service digital agency, 180 employees in 6 locations

Director Consulting: Consulting, strategy and presentation

Partner manager for the relationships to martech houses Adobe, Acquia and contentful

Marc Kutschera, Head of business development and member of the board at Cocomore AG

“You can’t just win pitches with Robert, you can win teams that are comfortable and confident with it.”

2002 to 2014

CAMAO AG, full service digital agency, 250 employees at 7 locations

Head of account management: Client consulting, digital strategy, presentation, project management and controlling

Head of creative department and of user experience department: Brainstorming, visualization, information architecture, wireframing, art direction, interface design and editorial design

Co-Founder and member of the board of directors

Christian Wiebel,
Member of the board at CAMAO AG

“Robert is truly an ‘agency animal’ who is on fire for digital marketing communication.”

2000 to 2005

Degree in Media System Design

1998 to 2002

Self-employed web designer

Actually, I always wanted to have a real computer. For example, a Commodore Amiga or at least a Super Nintendo. But what did my parents give me? A second-hand Macintosh Plus with a monochrome screen (for those born after 1990: that's even more black and white than black and white). After all, there was a monstrous 80MB hard drive next to this cute thing when my classmates were still using floppy disks.v

What do you do with such a device? There was no gaming in it. So my gaming was called DTP. Typesetting, layout, eventually web design. And then also in colour. With this Mac, digital marketing was launched in my life and this train continued to run until today.