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As an interim manager, I focus everything on enablement.

Sometimes Digital is faster than Structure.

Perhaps you know this feeling: you need to do much more and much faster in digital marketing, because somehow the competition is not sleeping either and this Internet really seems to be catching on now. Digitalisation is therefore perhaps already a matter for the boss, but the boss hardly has any time. The situation is not much different in the second row; or there is no staff position or project manager because the topic cannot be driven from an original digital experience.

But now it would be wrong to build up knowledge and competence externally for a topic that is so central. This is where I would like to help with my focus on your enablement. Whether as the head of a special project, as a staff position for digital marketing, as a sparring partner for the CEO, CMO, Head of Digital or as an expert coach for a team: I would like to make myself superfluous again as quickly as possible. I shift to giving managers the security of doing the right thing in terms of content and giving teams a lot of attention. This creates a feeling among all those involved that the challenge can be mastered and is meaningful in terms of content.

So digital marketing remains a matter for the boss. I merely extend the “management attention”. And enable your structures to achieve the digital marketing goals themselves more quickly.

Robert Petzold Website




Website Relaunch

– the classic

Implementation of CRM

with corresponding master data/MDM and user journey challenges

Change of Technology

in the area of martech, such as CMS, CRM…

Integration / Harmonisation

such as after a merger or acquisition


e.g. between marketing and IT or marketing and sales


e.g. technical dead-end, escalating costs, problems with service providers

Real past projects of mine

My other three roles:

Digital Strategist

I organise digital perception. The most important thing for me is that it doesn’t become explosive.


Branding Page Builder

I like to conceptualise and design the digital home of your brand myself.


Pitch Consultant

I accompany agencies when pitching. But I am very shy about it.



Years of experience with digital marketing and sales



Engagements for companies in a wide range of industries

Project Examples