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Project Examples

Maybe I did it before.

Bei meinem bisherigen Werdegang hatte ich Berührung mit den verschiedensten Themen und Branchen. Diese vielfältigen Einblicke machen für mich den Beruf des Beraters aus, vor allem dann, wenn sich die Erkenntnisse aus der einen Richtung wieder anderswo einbringen lassen. Bei aller Vielfalt haben diese Engagements jedoch einen gemeinsamen Nenner: Es ging stets um digitales Marketing. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Projekte hat außerdem gemeinsam, dass ich aufgrund von Verschwiegenheitserklärungen keine Details nennen darf. Es sei aber zumindest folgendees dazu gesagt:

  • Website
  • Content Strategy
  • EMail
  • CRM
  • Technology change
  • Branding
  • Analytics
  • Digital Strategy
  • E-Commerce
  • Campaign
  • Marketplace
  • Landing Page
  • E-Learning
  • Media
  • App
  • SEA
  • Multisite
  • Cosmetics
  • FMCG
  • Agriculture
  • Chemicals
  • B2B
  • Services
  • B2C
  • Entertainment
  • Finance
  • Food
  • Internet
  • Luxury
  • Engineering
  • Medical Engineering
  • Raw Materials
  • Pharma
  • Tourism
  • Associations
  • B2B2C
  • Education
  • Consulting
  • Strategy
  • Lecture
  • Design
  • Presentation
  • Pitch
  • Concept
  • Leadership

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Consulting support for user journey, campaign and media planning for a university (8-digit annual media budget)

  • Campaign
  • Consulting
  • Education
  • Media

Consulting for an association in the context of an e-commerce infrastructure for all member companies

  • Consulting
  • Luxury
  • Associations
  • E-Commerce
  • Multisite
  • Concept
  • Marketplace

Co-branding and partnership concept for a CRM programme with user numbers in the million range

  • Concept
  • FMCG
  • B2C
  • B2B
  • Branding

Content strategy for a market-leading mechanical/medical engineering company

  • Content Strategy
  • FMCG
  • B2C
  • Concept

Content strategy for a CRM program with user numbers in the millions

  • Engineering
  • Medical Engineering
  • Content Strategy
  • Concept
  • Website
  • B2B

Digital strategy with focus on CRM for a pharmaceutical company

  • Digital Strategy
  • CRM
  • Pharma
  • Strategy
  • B2B2C

Development of a product positioning for a SaaS product with user numbers in the double-digit million range

  • Internet
  • Branding
  • Strategy
  • B2C

Development of a KPI forecast for the digital marketing of a market-leading machine parts manufacturer and distributor

  • Engineering
  • B2B
  • Analytics
  • Consulting
  • Media

Lecture at a member event of an association

  • Associations
  • Lecture
  • Digital Strategy

Lecture at an internal event of a mechanical engineering company (CH)

  • Digital Strategy
  • Engineering
  • Lecture
  • B2B

Information architecture and content strategy workshop for the website of an agrochemical company

  • Agriculture
  • Chemicals
  • B2B
  • Consulting
  • Content Strategy
  • Website

Content design of a strategy day for a brand of a listed cosmetics group

  • Digital Strategy
  • Consulting
  • Cosmetics
  • B2C

Campaign for the German market launch of a chocolate brand

  • Campaign
  • Food
  • FMCG
  • B2C
  • Concept

Keynote at an annual marketing conference of an agrochemical group

  • Agriculture
  • Chemicals
  • Lecture
  • Digital Strategy
  • B2B

Keynote on digital transformation in the Executive Teaching Programme at Goethe Business School Frankfurt am Main

  • Lecture
  • Education
  • Digital Strategy

Concept for segmented consumer targeting for a tourism destination (APAC)

  • Tourism
  • B2C
  • Website
  • Concept

Concept for a lead campaign for a commodity company (USA)

  • Campaign
  • B2B
  • Chemicals
  • Raw Materials
  • Concept

Concept for a multi-brand website landscape for several brands of a pharmaceutical company

  • Multisite
  • Concept
  • B2B2C
  • Pharma

Concept for a company-wide KPI dashboard for a pharmaceutical company

  • Pharma
  • B2B2C
  • Concept
  • Analytics

Concept for a product configurator for a chemical company (USA)

  • Website
  • Concept
  • Raw Materials
  • Chemicals
  • B2B

Concept and design for a portal for one of the world’s largest FMCG groups

  • FMCG
  • Cosmetics
  • B2C
  • Website
  • Content Strategy
  • Concept

Concept and design for landing pages for luxury real estates in the double-digit million range

  • Landing Page
  • Concept
  • Website
  • Luxury
  • SEA

Information architecture and wireframes in the context of the website relaunch of a food service provider (>1 billion € turnover)

  • Design
  • Concept
  • Website
  • SEA

Information architecture and wireframes in the context of the website relaunch of a food service provider (>1 billion € turnover)

  • Website
  • Content Strategy
  • Concept
  • Food
  • Services
  • B2B2C
  • Technology change

Crisis intervention in a portal project with escalating costs at a pharmaceutical company

  • Pharma
  • Leadership
  • Website

Landing page / marketing website for a B2B online marketplace with thousands of participating companies

  • Associations
  • B2B
  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Concept
  • Landing Page
  • Marketplace

Management of the relaunch project of a CRM portal for one of the world’s largest FMCG groups

  • FMCG
  • B2C
  • CRM
  • Website
  • Leadership

Management of the website relaunch project for a commodities company (USA)

  • Chemicals
  • Raw Materials
  • Leadership
  • Website
  • Technology change

Management of the website relaunch project for a cinema chain (>20 locations)

  • Multisite
  • Website
  • Leadership
  • Consulting
  • B2C

Management of a website project for a market-leading automotive supplier

  • B2B
  • Engineering
  • Leadership
  • Website

Brand and corporate design development for a cinema chain

  • Entertainment
  • Branding
  • Concept
  • B2C

Mobile strategy for a portal with annual traffic in the double-digit million range

  • Strategy
  • FMCG
  • B2C
  • Website

Optimisation of the marketing organisation structure of a mechanical engineering company (>3 billion € turnover)

  • Consulting
  • Engineering
  • B2B2C
  • Leadership

Pitch for the technical operation of all German websites for one of the world’s largest FMCG groups (won)

  • Food
  • FMCG
  • B2C
  • Technology change
  • Website
  • Pitch

Pitch for the relaunch of the websites and CMS for hundreds of sites in 75 markets for a food brand (won)

  • Pitch
  • Multisite
  • Technology change
  • Food
  • FMCG
  • B2C

Pitch for the analytics consulting of a market-leading mechanical engineering company (won)

  • Pitch
  • Engineering
  • Analytics
  • B2B

Pitch for the digital strategy of a market-leading automotive supplier (won)

  • Digital Strategy
  • Pitch
  • Engineering
  • B2B

Pitch for the conception of the intranet for a bank (won)

  • Finance
  • Website
  • Content Strategy
  • Pitch

Pitch for the advancement of the permission marketing programme of a market-leading telecommunications group (won)

  • Pitch
  • CRM
  • B2C

Positioning workshop and image brochure for a site of a mechanical engineering company (four-digit number of employees)

  • Consulting
  • Engineering
  • B2B
  • Medical Engineering
  • Branding
  • Content Strategy

Project management for the creation of an in-portal app infrastructure for a social media platform

  • Internet
  • Website
  • Consulting

Projektleitung und Konzeption des digitalen Salesfolders für einen Pharma-Konzern (Umsatz im zweistelligen Milliarden­bereich)

  • Concept
  • Leadership
  • Pharma
  • B2B2C

Relaunch of the CRM program and redesign of emails for a training provider

  • Consulting
  • Presentation
  • Food
  • FMCG
  • B2C

Sparring with the head of marketing and presentation creation for the annual conference of a market-leading food brand

  • Consulting
  • Presentation
  • Cosmetics
  • B2B2C

Strategy for a B2C CRM programme for one of the world’s largest FMCG group

  • FMCG
  • Digital Strategy
  • B2C
  • Strategy

UX analysis of the registration section of the CRM program with user numbers in the millions

  • Concept
  • FMCG
  • CRM
  • B2C
  • Website

UX analysis of the landing pages of a marketing/media award

  • Landing Page
  • Consulting
  • Services

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